California Sex Therapist

For men and women, sex is a very private matter. While it is a very personal experience and something that many people engage in on a regular basis, it is still an over-misunderstood and complicated area of life. It is not uncommon for people to need and want to work through the complications they are facing in this area. At You Rule Therapy, you gain the ability to do that by working with a California sex therapist dedicated to working closely with you.

What Is a California Sex Therapist?

It is not uncommon for individuals or couples to struggle when it comes to intimacy. Yet, this does not have to be what continues to occur. You can get help, and when you do, you may find that there is ample support available to you from a California sex therapist in a wide range of areas of sexual health.

These professionals have extensive experience and training in the area of sex and intimacy. That means they are able to work with individuals or couples to gather information, support, and guide them into improving their sex lives.

What Does a Sex Therapist Do?

Maybe you have tried to read sex therapy books or tried to learn what was occurring in your situation but could not determine what that was. With the help of a sex therapist in California, you may be able to explore this area of your life a bit better.

There are many ways that a sex therapist in California could help you. First, that may include discussing what is occurring within your sex life that you are not happy with and what could be the reasoning behind it.

Who May Benefit from Seeing a Sex Therapist?

If you have any reservations or concerns about your sex life, and it does not relate to a medical condition, seek out this help. For example, you may be no longer interested in sex, or your partner is not. You want to better understand why that is. You may be looking for answers to why you feel the way you do or what types of changes you have experienced as you have gotten older. In some situations, you may feel embarrassed or ashamed of your desires. Other times, you may need help communicating what your needs and desires are to those who are in your life.

Other times, there may be very complex areas of your background that could be impacting your sexual health. Perhaps you suffered from abuse or trauma, and now you feel as though you cannot be in an intimate relationship with others due to it.

No matter what seems to be holding you back or creating a level of confusion, pain, or frustration for you, a sex therapist in California may be able to help you.

What can You Expect from Sex Therapy?

When you first make the decision to get this type of help, you may be unsure what your options are or what you should expect. First, do not worry. Most people feel the same way. During your first session, you will have an opportunity to talk to your therapist about just about anything that you are experiencing. This is an appointment that is very much focused on helping you to achieve your goals. For that reason, be sure to open up.

You are not going to be told you are wrong or that you are unable to get help. Rather, you will learn more about what some of the options may be to help you. This could involve talk therapy, for example. Whether you come on your own or you come with your significant other, in each session you will learn a bit more and find your way forward, creating a better future for yourself as you do.

How to Get Help from a California Sex Therapist Today

As you work to better understand your sexual health, realize that having a professional to help and guide you could be very valuable. There are many people who never take this action and struggle for the rest of their lives. That does not have to happen in your case.

Reach out to You Rule Therapy today. Let’s discuss what your needs and concerns are. You can set up a time to discuss your needs with your therapist alone or with your loved one. When you do, know you will be treated with compassion. Take action today to learn more about the level and type of care available to you. Contact us now.